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Certificate Issuance

This is the process of creating and distributing of digital certificates.

Process to request for issuance of a Digital Signing Certificate
  1. The subscriber will make a request for a Digital Signing Certificate.
  2. The authorized organization representative will verify and validate the subscribers information.
  3. The authorized organization representative will submit the request.
  4. The GovCA will issue the Digital Signing Certificates 
How to acquire device, applications or server certificates for encryption
  1. The services owner will make a request for digital certificates. 
  2. The authorized organization representative will verify and validate the correctness of the information.
  3. The authorized organization representative will submit the request. 
  4. The GovCA will issue the device, applications or server Certificates. 
How to acquire a role certificate 
  1. The subscriber will make a request for a role certificate.
  2. The Authorized Organization Representative will verify and validate the correctness of the information on the role to be assigned to a certificate.
  3. The Authorized Organization Representative will submit the request. 
  4. The GovCA will issue the Role Certificates.