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About GovCA

National Public Key Infrastructure(NPKI)

National Public Key Infrastructure(NPKI) is a system that is used to secure electronic communication, online transactions. It ensures data integrity and confidentiality. NPKI uses a combination of public and private keys to secure the exchange of information and to verify the identity of the parties involved in a transaction.

The NPKI ecosystem comprises digital certificates, protocols, services, Certificate Authorities(CA), and Registration Authorities(RA). The ecosystem is supported by established laws and regulations. Certification Authority ICT Authority was licensed as the Certification Authority in 2020 by the Communications Authority who is the regulator and the Root

Certification Authority

The ICT Authority herein referred to as Government Certification Authority (GovCA) is responsible for provision of PKI services to the Registration Authorities(RA) and its subscribers. The GovCA is responsible for issuing and managing certificates including:

1) Operation and management of GovCA systems and its functions in accordance with the Root Certification Authority Certificate Practice (CP) and Certificate Practicing Statement (CPS).

2) CA key management.

3) Approving the issuance of all verified certificate issuance requests.

4) Issuance and management of user certificates or other entities, used for general or specific purposes.

5) Publish certificates revocation information.

6) Handle certificate revocation requests.

7) Notification of issuance, revocation, suspension, or renewal of its certificates.

8) Establishing and maintaining the Certification Practice Statement (CPS).